ISOMATIC Integrative Health Centre


Chronic Pain

Chronic pain is a persistent and prolonged pain that lasts beyond the expected period for healing, typically persisting for 3-6 months or even longer. Chronic pain can significantly impact a person’s daily life, including their ability to work, socialize, and perform self-care or caregiving duties. It can manifest in various forms, such as frequent headaches and persistent lower back pain, and often necessitates medical attention.

Causes of Chronic Pain: Common causes of chronic pain can be attributed to a range of factors, including:

  1. Past Injuries or Surgeries: Previous injuries or surgical procedures can result in chronic pain, particularly when the healing process doesn’t progress as expected.

  2. Medical Conditions: Chronic pain can be linked to various medical conditions such as back injuries, strains, arthritis, and infections, which can cause persistent discomfort.

  3. Psychological Factors: In some cases, chronic pain may have psychogenic or psychosomatic origins. Stress, anxiety, and depression can trigger or exacerbate chronic pain. This underscores the connection between mental and physical health.

Symptoms of Chronic Pain: Chronic pain can present a variety of symptoms, including:

  1. Dull Aches: Many chronic pain conditions manifest as persistent, dull aches that can be localized to a specific area or more widespread.

  2. Shooting or Burning Sensations: Some individuals experience sharp, shooting, or burning sensations in the affected area.

  3. Stiffness: Chronic pain can lead to stiffness in the muscles and joints, making movement challenging.

  4. Fatigue: The ongoing presence of pain can lead to fatigue, which can affect a person’s overall energy levels and vitality.

  5. Sleep Disturbances: Chronic pain often interferes with sleep, leading to difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep.

  6. Mood Changes: Persistent pain can contribute to mood changes, including irritability, anxiety, and depression.

  7. Reduced Mobility: Limited mobility is a common consequence of chronic pain, impacting one’s ability to engage in physical activities.

Difference Between Chronic Pain and Acute Pain: The primary difference between chronic pain and acute pain lies in their duration and underlying causes:

  • Acute Pain: Acute pain is typically short-lived and occurs as a direct result of an injury, illness, or medical procedure. It serves as a warning signal that something is wrong and usually resolves once the underlying issue is treated or healed.

  • Chronic Pain: Chronic pain persists beyond the expected healing time, often lasting for months or years. It can result from conditions like arthritis, nerve damage, or, in some cases, may not be directly linked to recent events. Chronic pain involves a combination of factors, including persistent tissue damage, inflammation, and nerve dysfunction.

Common Types of Chronic Pain: Chronic pain can originate from various parts of the body, and some common types include:

  • Back and Spine Pain: Conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease often lead to chronic back pain, with lower back pain being particularly common.

  • Joint Pain: Chronic pain can affect joints like the knees, hips, shoulders, or ankles due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or repetitive stress injuries.

  • Head and Neck Pain: Chronic head and neck pain, including headaches, migraines, and neck pain, can result from factors such as tension, poor posture, cervical disc problems, or temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ).

  • Nerve Pain: Conditions like sciatica, neuropathy, or nerve compression (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome) often result in tingling, numbness, or shooting pain.

  • Muscle and Soft Tissue Pain: Chronic pain in muscles and soft tissues can be attributed to conditions like fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, or repetitive strain injuries.

  • Pelvic Pain: Conditions like endometriosis, chronic pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or interstitial cystitis can lead to chronic pain in the pelvic region.

  • Abdominal Pain: Chronic abdominal pain can be associated with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), or various gastrointestinal disorders.

  • Nociceptive Pain: Chronic pain can also arise from persistent tissue damage or inflammation caused by injuries, surgeries, or medical conditions affecting organs, bones, or other body structures.

Effectively managing chronic pain typically necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, engaging a team of healthcare professionals, including but not limited to healthcare providers, physical therapists, psychologists, and pain specialists. The overarching objective is to enhance the patient’s quality of life, provide effective pain management, and promote their holistic well-being. This collaborative approach ensures that chronic pain is addressed comprehensively, addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of the patient’s experience, ultimately leading to an improved and more fulfilling life.

Scarborough in Toronto

Andrew Chan, R.H.N., DOMP, B.Sc., DO (Euro)

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